



在中国动画产业迅速发展的同时,中国动画学的知识生产质态也从 10多年前的冷清逐渐变成今天的火热,但是,这并不意味着中国的动画学的知识生产已经取得了丰硕成果,相反,中国的动画学的知识建构还相当薄弱。在 2014年西华大学成功举办题与发展----2014成都动画学者圆桌论坛2015年西南民族大学在第十届“56个月亮”西部大学生动漫节期间举办的“西部大学生动漫节学术论坛”以及2016年西华大学、西南民族大学等单位联办对话与互动——2016西部大学生动漫节学术论坛后,为进一步参与和推动中国动画学的知识生产,西华大学与西南民族大学决定于 201711 继续联合举2017成都动画学者圆桌论坛西部大学生动漫节学术研讨会。本次论坛分两场,第一场2017成都动画学者圆桌论坛201711 11在西华大学举行,主题设定为中心与边缘——动画文化与动画理论的中国问题,主要(但不限于)以宣读论文的方式讨论世界各国动画文化的发展(特别是中国动画文化的演进与中国动画学知识生产等重要问题;第二场西部大学生动漫节学术研讨会201711 12 在西南民族大学举行,主题设定为动画的材料与创意,以主题演讲的方式分享民族动漫文化、动画材料媒介与创意传达等方面的经验。

请有意参会的学者于20171027之前将会议论文或演讲稿发至本通知文末论坛指定收稿信箱。所提交论文应未在其他刊物、学术会议和论文集中发表过,有一定原创性, 格式规范,正文字数以500010000汉字/英文单词为宜,摘要 300汉字/英文单词以内;演讲稿请提交WORDPPT两种格式的文件。发邮件请附上作者简介,简介应包含作者姓名、年龄、单位、职务职称、研究方向、通信地址、电话、电子邮箱等信息。本次会议不收取任何费用,为大会所邀请的演讲嘉宾与学术主持提供交通和食宿,并可为所有参会的论文作者提供落地接待(会议期间的会务住宿与工作餐)。



2017 7 31











Torill Kove, 奥斯卡获奖作品《丹麦诗人》动画导演

Max Hattler, 香港城市大学,助理教授,德国动画艺术家







"2017 (Chengdu) Animation Scholars Roundtable Forum "And " Western Universities Students Animation Festival Academic Proseminar" invitation

With the rapid development of China's animation industry, the quality of knowledge production of Chinese animation study has became more and more popular than 10 years ago.However, this does not mean that the knowledge production of China's animation study has achieved fruitful results. On the contrary, the knowledge construction of China's animation is still very weak.

In 2014, Xihua University successfully held "Problem and Development ----2014 (Chengdu) Animation Scholars Roundtable Forum ".

In 2015, on the basis of the tenth "56 Moon" Western Universities Students Animation Festival", Southwest Minzu University held the "Western Universities Students Animation Festival Academic Forum".

In 2016, Xihua University, Southwest Minzu University and other units jointly "Dialogue and Interaction: 2016 Western Universities Students Animation Festival Forum".

After that , in order to further the activation and the promotion of the knowledge production of Chinese animation study , Xihua University and Southwest Minzu University decided to continue to jointly organize in November 2017"2017 (Chengdu) Animation Scholars Roundtable Forum "And " Western Universities Students Animation Festival Academic Proseminar ".

The forums include two parts, the first one held in Xihua university on November 11, named "2017 (Chengdu) Animation Scholars Roundtable Forum ", set the theme as " The center and the edge : animation culture and animation theory of China's problems", mainly discuss the development of world animation culture, pay special attention to the evolution of Chinese animation culture and Chinese animatronics knowledge production; The second one held in Southwest Minzu university on November 12, named " Western Universities Students Animation Festival Academic Proseminar ", set the theme as "Animation materials , national culture and animation originality", discuss and share contents which involves the animation materials and medium, animation creative originality, the fusion of animation creativity and national culture.

For the potentials participants, your conference papers and authors’ profiles should be send to the designed mailbox address at the end of this notice before October 27th .

The submitted papers should not be published in other publications, academic conferences or any other paper collection, of originality and of format specification , with words ranging from 5000 to 10000 and less than 300 words for your abstract; as for your profile, it should includeauthor’s name , age, the name of your workplace, job title, research direction, communication address, telephone, e-mail and other information. The reception during the forum ( including the meeting accommodation and working meals during the forum ) will be well informed to our formal participants.

We sincerely look forward to the participation of animation scholars at home and abroad!

Art and design College , Xihua University

Art College , Southwest Minzu University

July 31, 2017


1. Official Submission Email


2. Contact

Tel: +8613408619913 Prof Zhou Hongya

+8613882203301 Prof Zhou Zhou

3. Invited guests

Nie Xinru, East China Normal University Communications College,

Professor,  Ph. D. student advisors

Pan Jian, Zhejiang University Humanity College,

Professor,  Ph. D. student advisors

Duan Yundong, Southwest University Art College,

Professor,  Ph. D. student advisors

Torill Kove,The Director of  Danish poet

Max Hattler,  Hong Kong's City University, Assistant Professor, Animation Artist

4. Forum Schedule

October 7th –October 27th : the submission of conference paper , the selection of papers

October28th –October 31st : announcement of the formal participant scholars , sending invitations

November10th : arrival and report

November 11th -12th : Proseminar